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Day 1 / 3.2(Sat.)


MC:Jun MATSUMOTO(Freelance Announcer)





Lalith Maddegedara




Satoru OISHI


 DAY1 13:00~17:40

Bosai Technology Frontier - Co-creation in Different Fields through Data Linkage

<Lecture1> Lecture13:10-13:45 

30 Years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Kobe University: Past and Future

Vice President, Kobe University: Hiroshi OKUMURA

<Lecture2> Lecture13:45-14:15/question14:15-14:20

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 13:40 - Questions and comments will be accepted.)

Towards high-resolution simulations of post-disaster economies to quantitatively evaluate recovery plans

 When recovering from a major disaster, potential recovery plans must be comprehensively evaluated to best utilize the limited resources available. To this end, we developed an HPC-enhanced fine-grained agent-based economic model integrated with infrastructure to comprehensively evaluate potential recovery plans considering their long-term economic performance. The economic model is calibrated using the statistics available at the open portals of the Japanese government and validated for the Japanese economy under the business-as-usual scenario, comparing the results at three different levels: national, industrial, and individual firm. We integrated the economic model with a physics-based earthquake disaster simulator, and as a demonstrative application, simulated damages to 1.8 million buildings in the Osaka Bay area due to a potential Nankai trough earthquake and estimated its impacts on the Japanese economy under two hypothetical recovery plans.

Associate Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo : Lalith Maddegedara

<Lecture3> Lecture14:20-14:50/question14:50-14:55 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 14:20 - Questions and comments will be accepted.)

Bosai Digital Transformation(BDX) to be tackled through public-private co-creation

  To protect people's lives and property and maintain social systems in the face of increasingly severe and frequent national-level disasters caused by climate change is one of Japan's crisis management challenges. One of Japan's crisis management challenges is to protect the lives and property of its citizens and maintain its social systems in the face of increasingly severe and frequent national disasters caused by climate change. In December 2022, the Digital Agency called for the establishment of the "Bosai DX(Digital Transformation) Public-Private Co-Creation Council (BDX)," comprised of local governments, private companies, and other organizations. This presentation will also introduce the environment and issues surrounding the Digital Transformation of disaster prevention in Japan, as well as the direction that Disaster Prevention DX should take in the future, along with the efforts of BDX.

NEC Senior Executive Professional,Buisiness Strategist Japan Bosai Platform VicePresident Chairman of Digital Committee : Yoshinori TAKADA

<Lecture4> Lecture15:15-15:45/question15:45-15:50 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 15:25 - Questions and comments will be accepted.)

Construction of an automatic disaster simulation execution system by automatic creation of disaster prevention digital twin

 Japan has a number of natural disaster hazard potentials, including the Nankai Trough earthquake, Tokyo inland earthquake, Tokyo flood, and storm surge flooding in three major port cities. It is obvious that there is a limit to the conventional damage assumption in a society where the information and communication revolution is progressing. The Disaster Mitigation Digital Twin, which performs physical simulations of design and verification for the entire city, breaks through the limitations of conventional damage estimation and realizes more scientific damage estimation. In order to use various analysis programs that perform physical simulations, a disaster prevention digital twin must automate the creation of analytical models that represent actual structures with appropriate resolution and level of detail. Here, we share the future that can be achieved by creating this digital twin.

Professor of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University : Satoru Oishi

<Lecture5> Lecture15:50-16:20/question16:20-16:25 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 16:00 - Questions and comments will be accepted.)

Unlocking the Potential of Big Data from Space for Sustainable Societies and Natural Disaster/Climate Resilience

 This presentation focuses on the potential of satellite data driven by the rapid growth of the space industry and its contribution to building a sustainable society while enhancing resilience against natural disasters and climate change. Using the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024 as a case study, I discuss how satellite data could facilitate rapid disaster assessment and support rescue operations. Additionally, practical applications of satellite data in infrastructure and agriculture sectors for addressing natural disasters and climate change are introduced. Finally, I will explore the prospects for further utilization of big data from space.

JAXA Venture Tenchijin Inc. Lead Data Scientist : Yuhei AIHARA

​Conference Moderator




Future Disaster Prevention Conference DAY116:35-17:35

(Discussion on co-creation in different fields)

Future Disaster Reduction Conference DAY 1 Moderator : Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University : ToshimoriOTAZAWA

<Future Disaster Reduction Conference Theme: Co-creation in Different Fields through Data Linkage. Current Status, Prospects, Possibilities and Challenges> 16:45~17:15

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 16:45 - Questions and comments will be accepted.) 

Panelists: Lecturers of Lectures -5


Day 2 / 3.3(Sun.)


General Chairperson:Yuki FUJIOKA​
(Newscaster, Sun Television, Inc.)




Nagaharu MITUTA


Masanori Miyanishi


Goh Ohji

 DAY2 13:00~17:40

From the Field of Risk Management - Case Studies of Co-Creation in Different Fields

<Lecture1> Lecture13:10-13:40/question13:40-13:45   

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 13:10 - Questions and comments will be accepted.)

Lessons Implied by Infrastructure Damage from Noto Peninsula Earthquake

 The M7.6 earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula on January 1, 2024 caused strong motions similar to those of the Kobe Earthquake, and many houses in the affected area collapsed. Especially, the earthquake that occurred at the tip of the peninsula damaged the main road leading to the peninsula, which closed access to the affected area and hampered the restoration of various infrastructures. On the western side of the peninsula, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake also occurred in 2007. Comparing the damage caused by the Noto Peninsula earthquake in 2007 with that of this earthquake, we will consider the local disaster response capability, including the weakness of the water supply systems, which were made up of small-scale water systems, and the decrease in the number of local engineers responsible for infrastructure, given the history of integration of water supply services as a result of municipal mergers.

Professor, Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Kobe University : Yasuko KUWATA

<Lecture2> Lecture13:45-14:15/question14:15-14:20

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 13:40 - Questions and comments will be accepted.

Monitoring health inequalities by local socioeconomic status using official statistical data: Toward the return to national and municipal public health administration

 The aim of this study was to show the trends of geographical socioeconomic inequalities of Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) at the municipality level. HLE was calculated by sex, time period, and percentile group of Areal Deprivation Index (ADI) using the number of deaths, population, and the data of Long-term care insurance in each municipality. ADI was an indicator of geographical socioeconomic status at the municipality level. We applied the variance-weighted least squares model to HLE and the interaction between the time period and ADI. The inequalities of HLE by ADI did not reduce from 2010-14 to 2015-19; there was no change from 2.32 to 2.39 years in men and a significant widening from 0.93 to 1.27 years in women.

Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Future Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Epidemiology : Masakazu SHINOHARA/Aoi KATAOKA

<Lecture3> Lecture14:20-14:50/question14:50-14:55 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 14:20 - Questions and comments will be accepted.

 Factor Analysis of Healthy Life Expectancy

 A multivariate analysis was conducted to determine "what factors determine life expectancy and healthy aging." The factors correlated with average aging and healthy aging (by prefecture) were extracted, and the correlations between these factors and prefectural data on average aging and healthy aging were determined. The analysis was conducted for four periods (2010, 13, 16, and 19) for average aging and healthy aging, separately for men and women. We were able to obtain high correlation values for each item. From these results, hypotheses were extracted regarding what factors are important in promoting healthy aging.-)

Chairman of the Board of Directors  : Nagaharu MITUTA

<Lecture4> Lecture15:15-15:45/question15:45-15:50 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 15:25 - Questions and comments will be accepted.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Spreading Across All Generations from the Perspective of “Children First”

  While the term "Children First" garners attention against the backdrop of serious aging population issues, misunderstandings stemming from this ideology are giving rise to new challenges such as intergenerational conflicts. As we trade off the convenience of digitalization and an information-driven society, we are losing sight of the "visible" connections between people. This absence complicates the recognition of societal diversity and is considered a contributing factor to division. The key to solving this problem lies in dialogue and opportunities for exchange across generations, facilitated by a common theme transcending generations: disaster prevention and mitigation. Revisiting the discussion from last year on "Building Communities Learning from the Mechanisms of the Human Body and Cells," I would like to introduce specific ideas for disaster prevention and intergenerational exchange gathered from various fields.

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Medical Innovation Department of Pediatrics, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine : Masanori Miyanishi

<Lecture5> Lecture15:50-16:20/question16:20-16:25 

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 16:00 - Questions and comments will be accepted.

 Various food poisonings and their causes

 To understand food poisoning, it is necessary to understand the substances that cause food poisoning (chemicals, natural poisons, microorganism-derived toxins, and microorganisms themselves). Among these, the frequency of various food poisonings caused by the introduction of bacteria and viruses, in addition to chemicals and natural poisons, is high and makes headlines. The mouth is the primary route of entry for most of these foodborne illness-causing substances, but the majority are brought in not necessarily by the food itself, but by contamination of the cook or utensils. In addition, while hand hygiene with ethanol is effective against novel coronaviruses and influenza, it is less effective against noroviruses. The basic infection control measures for norovirus, which is resistant to disinfectants and can be transmitted in small quantities, are contact precautions and disposal of vomit and phlegm. Contact precautions and the disposal of vomit and other contaminants depending on the site are important. Proper preparation of foodstuffs (removal of contaminated parts and poison and storage at temperatures that do not allow microorganisms to grow) and cooking that kills microorganisms are important to prevent food poisoning. It is especially important to note that heat-resistant toxins exist, whether they are natural poisons or come from microorganisms, even if they are heated. It is also important to understand that even when heating, the parts heated differ between microwave and oven cooking.

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University : Goh Ohji

​Conference Moderator



Future Disaster Prevention Conference DAY216:35-17:35

(Discussion on co-creation in different fields))

Future Disaster Reduction Conference DAY2 Moderator: Specially Appointed Lecturer, MIRAI Alliance, Kobe University : Kaoru KOSHIRO

<Future Disaster Reduction Conference Theme: Feedback from the Field. Prospects and Challenges.> 16:45~17:15

(Online Viewers "Slido" at 16:45 - Questions and comments will be accepted.) 

Panelists: Lecturers of Lectures 2-5


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