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松本純 Jun Matsumoto

フリーアナウンサー freelance announcer


Born in Hyogo Prefecture, she began her career as an announcer at NHK Nara and Okayama Broadcasting stations before becoming a freelance announcer in 2014. She worked for two years as an anchor for news and economic programs at Sun Television in her hometown of Kobe. He experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake when he was in the fifth grade of elementary school. He still vividly remembers the impact of the huge tremors and the broken city. He produced a documentary program, "Memories of the Earthquake: My Classmate Who Lost Four Family Members," following his classmates at the time.



奥村弘 Hiroshi OKUMURA

神戸大学 副学長

Vice President, Kobe University

災害文化の継承を専門としており、阪神淡路大震災以降は、地域遺産の保存活用の実践的研究を行っている。 歴史資料ネットワーク代表委員、内閣府「文化財保護と防災まちづくりに関する委員会委員」等にも関わる。文学部の地域連携センター事業責任者として、この分野での大学と市民との連携事業を展開している。

He specializes in the Inheritance of Disaster Culture, and since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, he has been conducting practical research on the preservation and utilization of regional heritage. He is also a representative member of the Network for Historical Materials and a member of the Cabinet Office's Committee on the Protection of Cultural Properties and Urban Planning for Disaster Mitigation. As the project leader of the Center for Regional Collaboration in the Faculty of Letters Kobe University, he is developing collaborative projects between the university and citizens in this field.


Lalith Maddegedara Lalith Maddegedara

東京大学地震研究所 准教授

Associate Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo


Lalith Maddegedara received his B.E. in Civil Eng. From the Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 1999. He obtained his M.E. and Ph.D. in Civil Eng. from the Univ. of Tokyo, Japan. He works at the Earthquake Research Institute of the Univ. of Tokyo, and his research interests lie in large-scale simulations physics based simulations, and integrated simulations of earthquake disasters and their aftermath.


高田 佳紀 Yoshinori TAKADA

NEC 主席ビジネスストラテジスト

(一社)日本防災プラットフォーム 副代表

NEC Senior Executive Professional,Buisiness Strategist
Japan Bosai Platform VicePresident Chairman of Digital Committee


Joined NEC in 1993, and appointed as Vice President and Digital Committee Chair of Japan Disaster Prevention Platform (JBP) in November 2019.
In December 2022, he joined the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council (BDX) as a founding member. Currently, he is in charge of the Digital Agency as the head of the BDX subcommittee,
He is currently working on social implementation and market formation of Disaster Reduction DX in Japan in cooperation with the Digital Agency, the Cabinet Office, and other related ministries and agencies.



大石哲 Satoru Oishi


Professor of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University

静岡県出身、京都大学工学部卒、京都大学大学院工学研究科修了、博士(工学)、気象予報士。1993年〜2000年 京都大学防災研究所助手、2000年〜2009年 山梨大学准教授。
2009年〜 神戸大学教授。 2017年〜 理化学研究所計算科学研究センター研究チームリーダー(兼任)

Oishi was Born in Shizuoka, Japan. He graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, and he received a Doctor of Engineering Degree from the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. He also has a license as a weather forecaster.
From 1993 to 2000, Assistant professor in Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University; from 2000-2009, Associate Professor in Yamanashi University; From 2009 to present, Professor in Kobe University; from 2017 to present Team Leader of RIKEN.
His research theme is “Study on multimodal disaster risk using vulnerability index.”


相原悠平 Yuhei AIHARA

JAXAベンチャー株式会社天地人 リードデータサイエンティスト

JAXA Venture Tenchijin Inc. Lead Data Scientist






織田澤利守 Toshimori Otazawa

神戸大学大学院工学研究科 市民工学専攻 教授

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University


He specializes in civil engineering planning. In particular, he analyzes various issues related to national land planning, urban and regional planning, and disaster prevention planning using applied economic and statistical models, and conducts research to propose policies and design systems that are desirable for society. He is also actively involved in joint research to solve administrative issues, and serves as a member of the Hyogo Prefecture Future Planning Study Group.





藤岡勇貴 Yuki Fujioka

ニュースキャスター Newscaster

株式会社サンテレビジョン Suntelevision Inc.


Born in Sumoto City, Hyogo Prefecture. Former announcer for Aomori Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. Current Sun TV news anchor.Experienced an earthquake in Sumoto City when she was 10 years old (partially damaged), and her parents' house was completely destroyed by Typhoon No. 23 in 2004. At Aomori Asahi Broadcasting, she covered the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake.She joined Sun TV in 2015, working as a reporter and director before becoming a news anchor, covering the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and disaster management. He is a disaster prevention specialist.



鍬田泰子 Yasuko KUWATA

神戸大学 市民工学研究科教授

Professor, Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Kobe University

1999年神戸大学工学部卒業、2004年神戸大学大学院自然科学研究科 修了、博士(工学)取得。2004年神戸大学工学部助手、2006年神戸大学工学研究科助教授、2007年同准教授、2023年教授を経て現在に至る。専門はライフライン地震工学。国内外の地震被害調査経験あり。国土強靭化推進会議委員。

Graduated from Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University in 1999, completed Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kobe University in 2004, and obtained a Doctorate of Engineering. She specializes in lifeline earthquake engineering. She has experience in surveying earthquake damage in Japan and abroad. She is a member of the Council for the Promotion of National Resilience, Cabinet Office.


篠原正和  Masakazu SHINOHARA

神戸大学大学院医学研究科 未来医学講座 分子疫学分野 教授 

Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Future Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Epidemiology


In epidemiology, various types of omics information are now being introduced into molecular epidemiology studies. We have been working on small molecule metabolite analysis (metabolome analysis) based on mass spectrometry as a new method. By capturing the movement of water-soluble and fat-soluble metabolites, we hope to advance a new understanding of the pathophysiology of various human diseases and realize very early diagnosis and intervention in the early stages of disease.

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光多 長温 Nagaharu MITUTA

公益財団法人 都市化研究公室 理事長

Chairman of the Board of Directors


After graduating from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Economics in 1967, he joined the Japan Development Bank (now the Development Bank of Japan). Mainly engaged in urban and rural development projects, and assumed his current position in 2015.


宮西 正憲 Masanori Miyanishi

神戸大学大学院医学研究科 小児科学分野 造血幹細胞医療創成学 教授

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Medical Innovation Department of Pediatrics, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine


Masanori Miyanishi is a professor at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine. He is also a physician-scientist, with a clinical specialty in OBGYn, and received his Ph.D. in molecular biology from Kyoto University. He is also a founding member of the KOBE Connecting Children Project and Birth2.0.


大路 剛 Goh Ohji

感染症内科医 神戸大学医学研究科准教授

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University


He provides a bridge between clinical care and society with a focusing on Infectious Disease Treatment. He is working cross-sectionally with the Department of Infectious Diseases, the Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, and the Department of Infection Control at Kobe University Hospital. He is also involved in off-campus activities such as serving as an external member of the Kobe City Infectious Disease Surveillance Council and as a member of the Ethics Committee of a company in the Medical Industry City.



未来防災会議DAY2 司会


小代薫  Kaoru Koshiro

神戸大学 MIRAIアライアンス 特命講師

Project Associate Professor of Alliance for MIRAI, Kobe University

小代薫建築研究室主宰を経て現職。博士(工学)。一級建築士。専門は建築設計、まちづくり、建築史・都市史。歴史学の総合性や建築設計という技術と文化を横断し全体をまとめ上げる職能を活かして、学際的な文理融合研究プロジェクト「MIRAI BOSAI」や、地域の歴史を将来のまちづくりに繋げる公民学連携プロジェクト「海と山の街、神戸の風景をつくる」などを企画運営​。

After working as the president of Kaoru Koshiro Architectural Laboratory, he was appointed to his current position. Doctor of Engineering. First-class registered architect. Specializes in architectural design, urban development, architectural history, and urban history. He has planned and managed the interdisciplinary research project "MIRAI BOSAI" and the public-private-academic collaboration project "Creating the landscape of Kobe, a city of sea and mountains," which links local history to future city planning, making use of his comprehensive historical studies and his ability to organize the entire process across technology and culture in architectural design.

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